If they think setting us loose here will distract us from finding a way out, they've seriously underestimated us.

This… is ridiculous. Why… even keep us… here?

You know, they probably think this place will keep us occupied. Pfft. Little do they know, I'm already planning our escape.

They... won't let us go. They never do.

Don't be so pessimistic, Frank. We've gotten out of tighter spots before. They can't hold us here forever. Though I gotta admit, they chose a weird place to trap us in for the day.

I mean… a taxidermy museum? Seriously?

Actually… I like… this place.

Of course you do. You're a weirdo like that. Hey, maybe they're keeping us here hoping you'll start stuffing the staff.

Yeah... I would. That sounds… fun.

No, nonononono, not like that! I was joking! You can't just stuff people!

Why not? I do it with... bugs.

Yeah, okay, that's... I mean, bugs are one thing. But people? That's a whole different ballgame, my friend. You can't just "stuff" people like they're some kind of trophy. That's not a hobby. That's called murder, and believe it or not, it's kinda frowned upon.

You said you wanted… to kill the guy who stole your lunch.

Okay, look, I know I said that, but it was a figure of speech. It was a joke. When I said I wanted to kill the one who ate my lunch, I was being... facetious. I just... I was mad, you know? I didn't actually mean I wanted to kill that guy. I was just... frustrated. I would never actually do it. I was just, you know, blowing off steam…

Oh, you were "blowing off steam," were you? I guess that's one way to… relieve tension.

Hey, look at you, getting all cheeky. Didn't know you had it in you. That was a good one. I guess you're getting more and more skilled in the art of dirty jokes. I'm almost proud.

Oh, I've always… had this in me. Just… hiding it for a while. Saving it… for the... right moments. I have… many layers…

Like an onion!

Like an onion!

Boys, quiet down.


Whoa, check this out, Frank!

Eagle feathers... Raccoon tail... Coyote head…

Damn, you're like a walking encyclopedia, huh? You really know your animals. Well, when I guess you're obsessed with dead things, it's hard not to learn a lot about them.

Hey, you know how these animals are preserved and displayed here, captured forever in this state? Well, I was thinking... you know... you're kind of like these animals.

You... want to keep me? Like these animals, preserved and… on display?

Yeah, something like that. I, um… I want to keep you close, you know? Like these animals, displayed and admired, except... well, you're more than just a display to me...

