Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nisi erat, feugiat ut fringilla quis, fermentum vitae sem. Aenean vitae justo consequat, lacinia arcu et, accumsan nulla. Mauris fringilla malesuada ornare. Phasellus malesuada porta nisl, a porta eros vehicula eu. Mauris ac est lacinia, pulvinar orci vel, mattis dolor. Proin nunc diam, vestibulum sit amet velit eget, fermentum cursus lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam euismod nulla ac felis ornare, a rutrum lorem mattis. Vestibulum ultrices, dolor nec iaculis scelerisque, dolor mauris eleifend sem, et fermentum elit lectus bibendum eros. Donec tincidunt orci id eros fermentum ultrices. Suspendisse potenti.
Stories (Summarized)
Drabble 1
Benny, the quintessential tennis coach, exudes confidence and charisma, always touting the following revolutionary product to enhance players’ performance. However, one individual sees through his facade: Amir, who’s been meticulously observing Benny’s telltale signs for weeks. As Benny prepares to pitch a new racket, Amir seizes the opportunity to expose Benny’s deception. With a keen eye, Amir notices Benny’s habitual lip-licking, a giveaway signaling his imminent pitch. Feigning interest, Amir allows Benny to proceed with his sales pitch while plotting his own countermove. When Benny becomes engrossed in the demonstration, Amir questions his certainty, casting doubt on Benny’s credibility. It’s a calculated move that catches Benny off guard, challenging his authority and unraveling his carefully crafted image of expertise.
Drabble 2
Once an angel had fallen from grace, Benny descended to Earth, where he harnessed his supernatural abilities to ensnare wizards and steal their magic. His manipulation of magical prowess propelled him to tennis stardom, granting him victories and global fame. Yet, as his powers dwindled, so did his success, leading him to resort to increasingly desperate measures. Benny’s insatiable thirst for magical energy drove him to seduce more wizards, draining them of their essence to sustain his abilities. However, his dark deeds eventually caught up with him, resulting in his expulsion from the tennis world. Now, living in seclusion, Benny continues his secret pursuits, preying on wizards to maintain his waning powers and evade justice.
- Suspendisse potenti.
- Suspendisse potenti.
- Suspendisse potenti.