The Date (2017)

Now, my lover isn't what you'd expect. He's not buff, he's not tall, but he's attractive (to me, at least.) His name is Joe, and he's one Flaming Cheeto Puff.
Joe is the boss at the company I work at, Three Sticks Studios. He gets angry at the littlest of things, like when people call in sick or don't do his orders immediately. But, never have I seen Joe mad at me. It's odd, and I think he likes me.
“Benny,” Joe says in his gruff voice, “You're looking nice today.”
“Thank you.” I blush, visibly embarrassed. He rubs his large, circular nose, and walks away, saying nothing else. Joe's so gentlemanly, don't you agree? But, after one certain day, I knew we were destined to be together.
It was a snowy afternoon, and I was just sitting down at my desk when I saw a note. It was a yellow note neatly folded in half. I opened it and almost gasped at the message:
“Dear Benny,
I would like to meet you at 3:30 at Hansel’s Coffee Shop for lunch I'll pay for anything you want to buy. After that, maybe we can go to my apartment and I'll make dinner if you're still hungry.
-Your Secret Admirer.”
A date? Who would want to have date with me? After my shift was over, I went to the place that the mysterious note said.
Hansel’s was quiet in the afternoon. It was usually packed in the mornings. That's when saw him, sitting at a table all by himself. Joe looked like he was waiting for someone, maybe his girlfriend. Must be a coincidence he's here, I thought to my myself. I soon found out it was no coincidence at all.
“Hey, Benny!” Joe pulled on my sweater as I passed by. “Oh, hi Joe! Wouldn't think I see you here,” I sat down at the table. “So, why did you invite me here?” What? I didn't write anything about meeting… Or did I? I forget easy, so I might have.
I was about to answer with a lie when the waitress brought Joe's food to the table. It was a lot for one person. Maybe he was thinking of me!

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